We are an independent team, external from the Council, appointed to work with bereaved, survivors and the immediate local community, to ensure their voices are heard in the development of the plans for future Grenfell related support.

Our role is to:

  1. Provide independent scrutiny of the consultation process that the Council will lead to design the new support programme.
  2. Work with bereaved, survivors and the immediate local community to design and set up ongoing scrutiny and monitoring arrangements for the programme.  

We have been appointed as part of the Global Settlement Agreement (1) which requires a new fund of money to be spent to benefit the bereaved and survivors of Grenfell and the local community. There are three themes: support for bereaved and survivors, support for the local community, and education and training (for both bereaved and survivors and the local community). The Agreement gives the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council the responsibility of consulting and designing something that works  – and appoints the External Scrutiny Team to provide an independent voice to ensure this happens. 

More information about the Global Settlement Agreement, Grenfell Support Programme and our role is available here

You can contact the team for more information at [email protected] 

 (1) An agreement made to settle the majority of the claims made against the Council and other organisations after the Grenfell tragedy.