Case studies
Evaluating Camden’s Community Champions
‘Powered by people’ – a new approach to working in partnership with the public for Birmingham City Council
Leading Greater Essex – Strengthening systems leadership capabilities across Essex
Thinking systemically with environmental law charity ClientEarth
Strengthening the foundations for place-based working in Barnet
Supporting Diabetes UK to foster system leadership capabilities in the Health Service
Community Wellbeing: Connected people and places – a systems approach to tackling loneliness in East Sussex
Strengthening collaboration between Brent council and its VCS partners
Learning Partner to The Cornerstone Fund
Learning and evaluation partner to Save the Children’s Early Learning Communities
Supporting the development of Hounslow Integrated Care Partnership
Building the partnership between the council and the VCFS in Barnet
Human Learning Systems – Building a movement for more relational, joined up and adaptable services and support
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